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Commissioned Artwork. 

Kateryna Kurylo welcomes requests for commissioned artwork. To request a commissioned piece of art, please call 1-647-287-1882 or email

What is Commissioned Artwork. 

Commissioned artwork is art created specifically for you. There are many reasons to commission an artist to produce a work of art:

Finding the right piece to complement a special place.

- A gift or memorial.

- The desire to give shape and color to a memory or an abstract idea.

How to Commission Artwork. 

There are steps you can take in preparing to commission a work of art: 

- Determine where the piece of work is likely to be displayed; this will help establish the approximate size of the finished work

- Identify your preferences in terms of media, color, texture, and the use of lightness and darkness.

- Indicate the image, message, or emotions you would like the piece to convey

- Provide any available images or sketches to communicate the visual effects you are trying to achieve.


The cost of commissioned artwork depends on the number of factors including the size of the piece, the cost of the materials, and how soon the finished product is required. Contact Kateryna for additional information.

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